The overall objective of the workshop is to support MAA in their new role as a regional midwives’ alliance in Asia and thus strengthen the midwifery profession in the Asian region.
More specifically, the objectives are to:
i) Develop a strategic plan for MAA for the next 5-years.
ii) Review ICM and WHO documents of strategic direction for midwifery education to align MAA strategic directions.
iii) Create a forum and a Board of Directors of MAA, to conduct annual board meeting to present country based strategic directions.
iv) Advocate and set-up mechanism to raise with International Midwifery leaders to develop advocacy, and fund-raising tools to maintain the activities of MAA.
v) Develop a draft resource mobilization strategy to implement the strategic objectives of MAA.
vi) Make a roadmap and pathway for future implementation of strategic directions and actions.
vii) Create MAA website and dissemination of all documents and to create a repository website.